Our Annual General Meeting was held on 07 May 2024 exclusively virtually. Shareholders were able to follow the entire Annual General Meeting online.

On this page you will find all the information about the Annual General Meeting.

Information for shareholders

Please note that translations are for convenience only. In case of any discrepancy or ambiguity the German version shall prevail.


Convocation with the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2024

Speech of the CEO and Chairman Deutsche Lufthansa Aktiengesellschaft Carsten Spohr

Main content of the speech by the CEO

Online Services for shareholders

Registration for e-mail delivery

By registering, you give your consent to receive the invitation documents to the Annual General Meeting and other specified shareholder information via e-mail in future.

Address change in the share register

If you have registered for e-mail delivery, you are able to alter your address data in the Lufthansa share register, year-round.