Honorary Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Jürgen Weber
Former Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Lufthansa AG
Honorary Chairman
Voting Members
Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley
Former CEO of Merck KGaA
Curriculum vitae
Christine Behle
Deputy chair of trade union ver.di
employee representative
Deputy chair
Curriculum vitae
Tim Busse
Flight captain
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Erich Clementi
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of E.ON SE
Curriculum vitae
Dr Thomas Enders
Former CEO Airbus SE
Curriculum vitae
Karl Gernandt
President of the Board of Directors Kühne Holding AG
Curriculum vitae
Sara Grubisic
Purser and member of the Executive Board of the trade union UFO e.V.
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Sara Hennicken
Chief Financial Officer Fresenius Management SE
Curriculum vitae
Christian Hirsch
Information management consultant / Works Council Member on leave of absence
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Jamila Jadran
Senior Project Manager / Works Council Member on leave of absence
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Arne Christian Karstens
First Officer
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Carsten Knobel
CEO Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Curriculum vitae
Dr Holger Benjamin Koch
Senior Director Airport / Industry Charges
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Harald Krüger
Managing Partner of KC&C GmbH / former Chairman of the Executive Board of BMW AG
Curriculum vitae
Marvin Reschinsky
Union secretary ver.di, employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Birgit Rohleder
Team Leader IT Application Management Airport Services / Works Council Member on leave of absence
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Britta Seeger
Member of the Executive Board Mercedes-Benz Group AG
Curriculum vitae
Dr Astrid Stange
Curriculum vitae
Angela Titzrath
CEO Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG
Curriculum vitae
Klaus Winkler
Engine mechanic
employee representative
Curriculum vitae
Members of the Lufthansa Supervisory Board Committees
Arbitration Committee pursuant to Section 27 (3) of the Co-Determination Act
Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley, Chairman
Christine Behle, Deputy Chairwoman
Dr Thomas Enders
Christian Hirsch
Steering and Remuneration Committee
Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley, Chairman
Christine Behle, Deputy Chairwoman
Dr Thomas Enders
Christian Hirsch
Audit Committee
Harald Krüger, Chairman
Karl Gernandt
Arne Christian Karstens
Carsten Knobel
Dr. Holger Benjamin Koch
Klaus Winkler
Nomination Committee
Dr Karl-Ludwig Kley, Chairman
Dr Thomas Enders
Harald Krüger
ESG Committee
Erich Clementi, Chairman
Sara Grubisic
Marvin Reschinsky
Angela Titzrath