Dear Shareholders,
Since the AGM was convened, we have received the shareholder motions and/or election proposals listed below which we make accessible as set forth in the provisions of statute.
Shareholder motions that merely reject management proposals do not bear a letter. If you wish to express your agreement with these motions, you must vote "Against the Management proposal" on the agenda item concerned.
Unless shareholder motions and/or election proposals are merely designed to reject management proposals, they are marked by letters to facilitate the voting or issue of instructions. If you wish to vote or issue instructions for these shareholder motions and/or election proposals, please mark them on the registration form on page 4 under the heading "Shareholder motions" or, in the online services for registration, check the fields concerned.
Nevertheless, please remember to indicate your voting intention on the agenda item concerned, so that your voting right can be exercised even if the shareholder motion is not tabled at the AGM, is withdrawn or is not voted on for other reasons."
If you have already cast your vote by absentee voting or issued a proxy with voting instructions, you can, if required, still change your absentee votes or your voting instructions until 28 April 2015, 15.00 hrs. Via the online services or via e-mail this is possible up to the beginning of the general debate of the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholder motions
by Dr. Manfred Otter on item 2 of the agenda
by Mr. Johannes Magar on item 2 of the agenda
by Mr. Beat Kaiser on item 2 of the agenda
by Mr. Beat Kaiser on item 3 of the agenda