Deutsche Lufthansa AG invites shareholders to virtual Annual General Meeting on May 4th, 2021
- Shareholders can submit questions to the Executive Board until May 2nd - Three Supervisory Board members are up for election
Today, Deutsche Lufthansa AG invited its shareholders to the 68th Annual General Meeting on May 4th, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will once again be held virtually, recognizing the need to apply current infection control regulations to protect the health of shareholders.
The Annual General Meeting will be broadcast live on Shareholders, who have registered for online services in advance can also take part in the voting online.
Shareholders have the opportunity to submit questions on the agenda to Executive Board by midnight on May 2nd. For the first time, shareholder statements may also be submitted as a video or an audio message.
Angela Titzrath and Dr. Michael Kerkloh, the two members of the Supervisory Board nominated by the Economic Stabilization Fund of the Federal Republic of Germany and previously appointed by the court, will be up for election on May 4th. Stephan Sturm will resign from the Supervisory Board with effect from the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting. As his successor, the Supervisory Board recommends to the Annual General Meeting the election of Britta Seeger.
Another item on the agenda is the creation of a new Authorized Capital C in accordance with §7b WStBG of up to 5.5 billion euros with a term of five years. The authorization enables Deutsche Lufthansa AG to flexibly use financing opportunities to raise equity on the capital market. The amount of Authorized Capital C is a technicality, derived from the amount of Silent Participations I and II of the Economic Stabilization Fund, as a potential capital increase under Authorized Capital C would be directly linked to the repayment of stabilization measures. In the event of a capital increase, the shareholders would be granted subscription rights. The Company has not taken any decision on a capital increase in utilization of Authorized Capital C.
Further information on the Annual General Meeting is available here. Additional background information on the proposed creation of an Authorized Capital C can be found here.