At today's 58th Annual General Meeting of Deutsche Lufthansa AG in Berlin, around 1,500 attending shareholders, as well as the Executive and Supervisory Boards of the Group, dealt with the eight agenda items. Approximately 53 per cent of Lufthansa's share equity was represented at the shareholders' meeting which approved the distribution of the balance sheet profit for the 2010 financial year to pay a dividend of 60 cents per no-par value registered share.

The majority of the company's shareholders discharged the members of the Executive and Supervisory Boards. In addition, the shareholders approved a new remuneration system for the Executive Board members, following the proposal of the Supervisory Board and thereby implementing the German Act on the Adequacy of Executive Board Remuneration (Gesetz zur Angemessenheit der Vorstandsvergütung - VorstAG).

The shareholders' general meeting also approved the proposal to replace the authorization to issue convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants attached as well as the creation of conditional capital, given by the Annual General Meeting on 17 May 2006, with a new authorization. The appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Aktiengesellschaft Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Düsseldorf, as auditors and Group auditors, as well as examiners to review interim reports for the 2011 financial year was also approved by the shareholders.

The final item on the agenda that demanded the appointment of a special auditor to examine occurrences in the management in connection with the acquisition of Austrian Airlines AG and the compulsory exclusion of the minority shareholders in Austrian Airlines AG, was rejected by the shareholders of Deutsche Lufthansa AG.  

Further information concerning the Annual General Meeting may be downloaded <link _top>here.